Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan’s New Strategy
Adventures of Maxim and Sana

Kazakhstan adopted the National standards for palliative care provision

Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the National Standard for palliative care provision in Kazakhstan. The document regulates the scope of palliative care which shall be provided at the same level as other medical and social services.

The approved National standard of palliative care resulted from the extensive work, ensured by the group of foreign experts in the area of palliative care development, NGO representatives and the State authorities of Kazakhstan and therefore, it should be considered as a significant step forward.

The adoption of this Standard was enabled due to the close cooperation between the non-governmental organizations, experts in the area of palliative care and the representatives of the Government“- highlights Anton Artemyev, Chairman of Soros Foundation Kazakhstan “This is an important milestone in the development of palliative care in Kazakhstan and our Foundation is delighted to support our partners to ensure the best quality of life for the patients and their families.

The full text of the National Standard of Palliative Care Provision is available at the following link: http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1300008956

Note: Soros Foundation Kazakhstan promotes the palliative care development since 2008. During this period, the Fund supported the development of national standards of palliative care and financed the projects aimed at increasing the public awareness and knowledge and improving the skills of doctors and nurses, working in the area of palliative medicine.

Palliative care- ( Fr. palliatif, dervied from the Latin pallium — a cover, coat ) is an approach to improving the quality of life for the patients and their families, in case of the problems, related to the life-threatening decease, through prevention and relief of suffering due to early detection, detailed assessment and treatment of pain and other physical symptoms, as well as the psychosocial and spiritual support to the patients and their relatives.

National standard of palliative care is a main legislative and regulatory document, purposed at ensuring the work on all the aspects of palliative care, which may also include the provision of a material and technical base and methodological foundation for such kind of assistance.